Hooping in the snow challenge 12-2-2021 until 20-2-2021
When hulahooping becomes a wintersport.
** Join us -> https://www.facebook.com/groups/422132665641692 **
How are you hooping about? How much fun was the 30 day HulaHoop challenge! I would love to keep on inspiring an motivating eachother to hoop every day in all the different kind of circumstances. And in Holland right now it is snow and ice.. so let us do some snowhooping!

How does it work?
– Upload a short fun video in your stories on Facebook and / or Instagram this week in which you show that you participated: be creative! Share the video in the ‘join the circle’ group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/422132665641692) as well.
– TAG our page Art of Hoopdance – Janna Lou (you can do this by writing @jannalou.hoopdance) on Facebook or jannalou_hoopdance on Instagram in this story.
– Do this before 20-2 (so you have 1 week if the snow lasts)
– If lots you will participate, I will make a nice compilation video of us hooping on a distance together as a fun reminder
XX Jannalou
ps If you are living in another place in the world without snow.. try to find yourself a stunning fun place in nature which no one has ever hulahooped before
Nederlands (**scroll down for English on mobile device**)
– Slankere taille
– Exclusieve instructie video’s
– Een lach op je gezicht

English version for our international friends.
Hoe werkt het?
**Scroll down for English on mobile phone**
In 30 dagen bouwen we op naar uiteindelijk 20 minuten hoepelen per dag, waarvan je de helft van de tijd je dominante kant en de helft je niet-dominante kant op hoepelt. Je zult zien dat je aan het eind beide kanten steeds beter wordt. En dat niet alleen, door mee te doen aan deze challenge maak je bovendien kans op een toffe prijzen.
1. een gratis live/online* privé les hoopdance door Janna Lou – verloot onder alle deelnemers die de challenge volmaken
2. en een toffe customised hoepel – voor de meest originele/gekke/mooie/bijzondere/etc. story online
Meld je nu alvast aan voor deze Facebook groep en stuur een e-mail naar artofhoopdance@gmail.com. Vermeld hierin jouw Facebook of Instagram pagina zodat we jou ook kunnen volgen 🙂
How does it work?
In 30 days we build up to 20 minutes of hooping per day, of which you hoop to your dominant side for half of the time, the other half to your non-dominant side. You will notice that at the end you have improved a lot on both sides. By participating in this challenge you will also have the chance to win great prizes.
1. a free live / online * private hoop dance class by Janna Lou – raffled among all participants who complete the challenge
2. and a nice customized hoop – for the most original / crazy / beautiful / special / etc. story online
* live or online of your choice, depending on your location and the applicable corona measures.
What do you have to do in order to participate?
– Upload a photo, video or boomerang in your stories on Facebook and / or Instagram every day in which you show that you participated again that day: be creative!
– Tag our page on Facebook or Instagram in this story.
During the challenge, you can also join our special Facebook group for questions, guidance and cool helpful hoop videos.
Do you need extra support during this challenge? Then we are also happy to assist you via Whatsapp.
Are you hooping along with us?